What do you know about Poland?

Cities The capital of Poland is Warsaw with approximately 1.8 million inhabitants. This makes it the largest city and the center for politics, economics and culture. Next comes Krakow, known for its rich history and leading universities with 780,000 inhabitants. Łódź is number 3. This city has historical significance due to its textile industry. Wrocław […]


Home Toolkit for your logistics Incoterms Seller-buyer responsibility matrix In the latest definition set (Incoterms® 2020) there are 4 terms exclusively for transport over water and 7 which can be used for any mode of transport including multimodal. The definitions provided here are based on the official text issued by the ICC. Please take into […]

Meet Maciej Banaszek

Maciej is branch manager of MOL Logistics in Poland. We’d like to find out more about his background and look at logistics. Read all about it in this interview! “As MOL Logistics, we are always looking for the best solution for our customer” Maciej, what did you study? Management and IT as a specialization company […]