Ports of Asia (Far East region)

Rotterdam Seafreight

Despite the critical situation in the ocean freight market, due to the Red Sea crisis, there is a surprisingly strong demand for space on Westbound ships from Asia to Europe. Due to a lower vessel capacity the trade Carriers are facing challenges for space requests. This crises also causes a shortage of available equipment on the […]

Meet our people:

Working at MOL Logistics At MOL Logistics, “the customer always comes first”. What motivates them to deliver this high level of service? With this series of interviews we want to show more about them than just their professional drive. Today: Leslie Geleijns MOL Logistics location: Netherlands, Tilburg 1. What is your role at MOL Logistics? […]

Distribution of medical equipment throughout Europe within 48 hours

Bonded warehousing Storing the goods under “customs bond” suspends the payment until the moment that the goods are actually delivered to a destination in the EU. When goods are brought into the European Union (EU), VAT and other import levies become due and should be paid. When the goods are either not directly required or […]

Fiscal and Customs advantages in The Netherlands

The Dutch fiscal and customs systems facilitate the import and export. This, providing the authorities with quick and secure trade-lanes, benefit companies doing business in Europe via The Netherlands. The processes, based on mutual agreements and a system of EU licenses, streamline the validation of documents and minimize red tape and customs checks. MOL Logistics […]